+375 (17) 203-09-39
+375 (17) 203-28-13
Office 330, 23/1 Pobeditelei Avenue, Minsk, Republic of Belarus 220004

6th Minsk International Forum on Intellectual Property Protection held on September 27-28

The "BelBrand" Asso-ciation is holding an annual international forum on the protection of intellectual property in Minsk.

The experience of holding previous forums has shown that this event is of interest for officials of governmen-tal ministries and departments, business circles, fi-nancial and public organizations, the scientific and academic community.

The forum is an efficient platform for public discus-sions of topical issues of intellectual property protec-tion with the participation of representatives of gov-ernment bodies, integration associations, and the business community.

The main event of this forum is a seminar on "Peculi-arities of protecting intellectual property and combat-ing the spread of counterfeits on the Internet" (Minsk, Hilton Hotel, 3:00 p.m.).

The seminar is organized in the framework of the pro-ject "Legal Trade – Secure World". It is planned to discuss issues of ensuring security in the implementa-tion of trade and financial transactions by using Inter-net technologies, the possibility of combating counter-feit products coming through online stores and inter-national mail.

The participation in the forum is by submitting prelimi-nary applications. Tel.: +375 17 203 09 39, +375 44 770 36 44, e-mail: info@belbrand.com
