The awarding cere-mony for the winners of the "Legal Trade – Secure World" contest will be held on June 21 in the Mir Cas-tle.
The open contest "Legal Trade - Secure World" is held in the field of literature, visual and decorative arts, and video filming. Its goal is to develop and popularize in-novative approaches to educating young people in the spirit of rejection of counterfeits and pirated products, understanding the important negative economic and social consequences of illegal trade.
The contest also addresses the tasks of supporting young talented authors, their identity and personal growth. The finalists and winners of this contest, as well as the laureates of the BelBrand Artistic Award, will be decorated with memorable prizes from the "BelBrand" Association for Intellectual Property Pro-tection. Within the framework of the awarding ceremo-ny, performances of laureates of national and interna-tional contests are planned.
The contest runs from October 20, 2017, to August 15, 2018.