+375 (17) 203-09-39
+375 (17) 203-28-13
Office 330, 23/1 Pobeditelei Avenue, Minsk, Republic of Belarus 220004

"BelBrand" Association helps in organizing business visit of entrepreneurs of the Udmurt Republic

On August 13-16, a delegation of entrepreneurs of the Udmurt Republic, headed by V. A. Ulanov, Director General of the JSC "Design Bureau of 21st Century Electric Products" (JSC DB of the 21st Century) (from the city of Sarap-ul), made a working visit to the Republic of Belarus.

During the visit, the business mission of Udmurt en-trepreneurs had meetings with the top managers of the Holdings "Belkommunmash", "Amkodor", "Mo-gilevlifmash", MAZ and Mogilev Dairy Company "Ba-bushkina Krynka".

Negotiations were held with A. S. Ogorodnikov, the First Deputy Minister of Industry of the Republic of Belarus, I. V. Brylo, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Foodstuffs of the Republic of Belarus, and at the Mogi-lev Regional Executive Committee.

The guests from Udmurtia got acquainted with the production of the OJSC "Managing Company of the "Belkommunmash" Holding" directly in the production shops.

A business meeting was held with D. S. Katerinich, the Director General of the OJSC "MAZ" – Managing Company of the "BELAVTOMAZ" Holding. The meet-ing was attended by designers and industry experts from the MAZ Company.

The Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus informed the guests that Belarus has the entire nec-essary legal and institutional framework for the opera-tion of the export supporting system.

At the Ministry of Agriculture and Foodstuffs of the Republic of Belarus, a business discussion was held on cooperation in the production of agricultural equip-ment for farms in Udmurtia at Belarusian enterprises in small towns, or a possible creation of joint ventures with them.

On August 15, a meeting was held with the leadership of the OJSC "Mogilev Dairy Babushkina Krynka Com-pany". The guests got acquainted with the structure of the OJSC and the technological cycle of dairy produc-tion.
