+375 (17) 203-09-39
+375 (17) 203-28-13
Office 330, 23/1 Pobeditelei Avenue, Minsk, Republic of Belarus 220004

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Dear friends,

I have the honour to hereby congratulate you with the coming New Year 2016!

This undoubtedly joyous holiday in the life of each of us coincides with the first jubilee of the "BelBrand" Association – the fifth anniversary of the establishment of our Association.

We continue receiving congratulations, and say sincere words of gratitude to all our friends, colleagues and cooperation partners.

Over the past five years, their range has expanded considerably; and this is one of the main outcomes of our joint activities in the sphere of protecting the intellectual property rights within the new integration formation – the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

We continue our active work with different departments of the Eurasian Economic Commission; we have published the first information bulletin entitled "Towards Common Eurasian Space"; conducted one seminar and three webinars; performed an all-republic sociological study of goods and services of the Belarusian market "Youth Brand"; organized the work of the Youth Section at the International Forum "Antikontrafakt-2015" in Minsk; and prepared presentations of "BelBrand" experts at two other Sections of the Forum.

Well, speaking specifically about the year 2015 and the major event thereof, for us it was the International Music Award "BelBrand", the final accord of which was the Gala Concert "Musicians in Defence of Brands" with the participation of laureates and stars of prestigious European and international competitions of classical music.

It was held under the auspices of the Eurasian Economic Commission and rushed headlong into the Eurasian cultural space.

The Award is a part of the philosophy of the Association, aimed at promoting cooperation, stimulating the economy of culture; and at preservation and multiplication of the great classics in the country and abroad.

We thank everyone who supported this project, which was a new stage in our professional activities.

By congratulating you with the New Year, I sincerely wish health to you and your families, success in work and good luck in all your endeavours!

Happy New Year, dear friends! I wish you new happiness!


 Chairman of the "BelBrand" Association                                         Albert Tayipov

  Minsk, December 25, 2015
