On May 26 and 27, the participant of the "BelBrand Presents" contest pro-ject, the Students' Folk Theatre FolkART of the Bela-rusian State University of Culture and Arts, and the Fantasy-Folk Group "Nevrida", visited Estonia and Latvia, as part of their creative tour. In the Centre of Russian Culture of the Tallinn City and the "Yorik" Theatre House of National Cultures in Rezekne, the Belarusian creative teams performed the programme "PAPARATS KVETKA" (The Fern Flower).
The "Nevrida" group performed its best musical com-positions from the Album "My Land", and the Students' Folklore Theatre FolkART of the BSUCA presented their new performance "Sontsazvarot" based on the calendar holiday "Kupalye" and the family-clan ritual "The Wedding".
The events were attended and the performances of the young Belarusian groups were highly appreciated by representatives of the diplomatic corps, in particular, the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus to the Repub-lic of Estonia and the Embassy of the Republic of Bel-arus to the Republic of Latvia, officials of city admin-istrations, Belarusian Diasporas in the Baltic coun-tries, and members of various creative associations.
As a sign of gratitude for the contribution to the devel-opment of interstate good-neighbourly relations, the "BelBrand" Association, the "Nevrida" group and the FolkART Students' Theatre were awarded by the Em-bassy of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Belarus, the General Consulate of the Republic of Bel-arus in Daugavpils, the Belarus Society "Lyos" (Fate) in Tallinn, and by Ivan Rybakov, an MP of the 12th Soim of Latvia, a member of the parliamentary group for cooperation with the People's Assembly (Parlia-ment) of the Republic of Belarus.
The "BelBrand Presents" is a contest platform for the implementation of youth projects, developments and initiatives in the field of literature, sciences, education, visual and theatrical arts.
Under this project, the "BelBrand" Association pro-vides support and promotion of youth programs and projects of various creative spheres.