On May 24, the Business and Cultural Complex of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation hosted a concert of laureates of the Inter-national Musical BELBRAND AWARD of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), accompanied by the State Symphony Orchestra of the Udmurt Republic conduct-ed by the leading conductor of Belarus Vyacheslav Bortnovsky.
The concert was dedicated to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. The leadership of the Russian Union of Veterans, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, representatives of the Eurasian Economic Com-mission (EAEC) and the diplomatic corps were among the spectators.
The concert performers were talented musicians, sup-ported by the "BelBrand" Association within the framework of the International Musical BELBRAND AWARD project: Aleksandra Borisyuk, a nominee of the BELBRAND AWARD in the nomination "National Folk Instruments "(cymbals); Kristina Nikolaeva, a laureate of the 2017 BELBRAND AWARD in the nomi-nation "Solo Academic Singing" (mezzo-soprano); Ksenia Selitskaya, a nominee of the BELBRAND AWARD in the nomination "Brass Wind Instruments" (saxophone); and the "Brevis" Ensemble of Old and Modern Music, a laureate of the 2016 BELBRAND AWARD in the nomination "Ensemble Performance".
They performed works of G. Verdi, P. Mascany, F. Cilea, D. Smolsky, C. Saint-Saens, Pedro Iturralde, J. Enescu and A. Khachaturian. A special present to war veterans was made by Kristina Nikolaeva – she per-formed the romance "Wait for Me" from the movie "And Dawns are Quiet Here". At the end of the event, the Russian Union of Veterans awarded special prizes to its organizers, participants and honorary guests.
The International Musical BELBRAND AWARD of the EAEU was founded in 2014 and promotes intensive cultural integration of the EAEU member states of the EAEU by attracting the attention of the broad musical public to the support of the creative musical activity of young people, and to the development of national cul-tures and strengthening the international cooperation. The Organizing Committee of the AWARD is repre-sented by the Eurasian Economic Commission (EAEC), the "BelBrand" Association (Minsk), and the Non-Commercial Partnership "RusBrand" (Moscow).