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Representatives of the "BelBrand" Association took part in events in the Udmurt Republic of the Russian Fed-eration

Information of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus to the Russian Federation

On July 18, the Government of the Udmurt Republic holds, on the basis of JSC "Puts Ilyicha" of the Zavi-alovsky District, the Republic's "Field Day-2018".

The "Field Day" events are attended by delegations of agricultural machinery manufacturers of the Republic of Belarus, including the OJSC MTZ, OJSC "Gomsel-mash", OJSC "Gomel Castings and Normals Factory", OJSC "Bobruiskagromash", OJSC "Brestselmash", RUE "Flax Institute" of the National Academy of Sci-ences of Belarus, dealers of Belarusian enterprises, including the JSC "Udmurtagrosnab", LLC "BelTorgAl-liance", Alexander Yuraga and Sergey Titov, repre-sentatives of the "BelBrand" Association, and Pyotr Baltrukovich, the head of the Ufa branch of the Em-bassy of the Republic of Belarus to the Russian Fed-eration.

It should be noted that the increased organizational role of the "BelBrand" Association, which this year, in agreement with Olga Abramova, the Minister of Agri-culture and Foodstuffs of the Udmurt Republic, plays the role of coordinator of Belarusian organizations, has contributed to such a massive participation of manu-facturers of Belarusian agricultural equipment, who took part in the events of the "Field Day". Within the framework of these events, the officials of the "BelBrand" Association held talks with Victor Ulanov, the Director General of the JSC "Design Bureau of 21st Century Electric Products", over a wide range of mu-tually beneficial cooperation and reached an agree-ment on the implementation of a business mission to the Republic of Belarus later in August this year.

When examining the exposition of the Belarusian ma-chinery, Alexander Brechalov, the Head of the Udmurt Republic, highly appreciated the developing coopera-tion between the parties, the interest of the Udmurtia in the Belarusian agricultural machinery, the develop-ment of mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of flax processing, expressed confidence in the further increase in trade between the Republic of Belarus and the Udmurt Republic. Within the framework of the "Field Day", it is planned to sign two cooperation agreements between enterprises of Belarus and Ud-murtia.
