Batalionok Egor
Born in 1946 in Bolshie Truhanovichi village, Chashniki district, Vitebsk region (Belarus).
In 1968 he graduated from the Art and Graphic Department of Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute of Kirov (now Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov). Member of the Belarusian Union of Artists. Awards:
1996 - The first prize of the UN Office in Belarus for the painting "Communication".
The works are presented in the National Museum of Art of the Republic of Belarus, the National Center for Contemporary Art of the Republic of Belarus, the Mogilev Regional Art Museum of P.V. Maslenikov, National Polotsk Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve, Grodno State Historical and Archaeological Museum, Historical and Cultural museum-reserve "Zaslavl", Chashniki Historical Museum, Svetlogorsk Picture Gallery "Tradition" (Russia), the Yaroslavl Art Museum (Russia), the Museum and the Center of Belarusian Culture in Hajnowka (Poland), the Belarusian Museum in New York (USA), the Museum of Contemporary Russian Art in New York (The Cultural and Educational Center "Polotsk" in Cleveland (USA), in the funds of the Belarusian Union of Artists, the National Library of Belarus, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, in private collections in Belarus and abroad.
Buschyk Nikolay
Born in 1948 in Derevnaya village, Slonim district, Grodno region (Belarus).
In 1969 he graduated from the Krasnodar Art College (Russia), in 1975 – the Belarusian State Institute of Theater and Art (now the Belarusian State Academy of Arts). Member of the Belarusian Union of Artists.
The works are presented in the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, the National Center for Contemporary Art of the Republic of Belarus, the Art Gallery of the National Polotsk Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve, the collections of the Belarusian Union of Artists, the Union of Artists of Russia (Moscow), the Ministry of Culture of Russia (Moscow), the Art Museum of Latvia (Riga), Potsdam Art Gallery (Germany), in the collection of the Dammarie-les-Lys mayor's office (Paris, France), in the Pinakotheque of the Ripa San Gineiosio (Italy), in the Vologda Museum of Art (Russia), Tobolsk art gallery (Russia), the New Brunswick Art Museum (USA), private collections of Belarus, Russia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Yugoslavia, Poland, Spain, Finland, USA, Luxembourg, the Netherlands .
Kostuchenko Vasiliy
Born in 1953 in Vasilievka village, Gomel region (Belarus).
In 1974 graduated from the Art and Graphic Department of Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute of S.M. Kirov (now Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov). 2006 – the winner of the award of the President of the Republic of Belarus. In 2015 was awarded the medal of Francisk Skorina. Member of the Belarusian Union of Artists.
The works are presented in the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, the National Center for Contemporary Art of the Republic of Belarus, the Mogilev Regional Art Museum of P.V. Maslenikov, in the funds of the Belarusian Union of Artists, in private collections in Russia, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Denmark, Poland, France, Luxembourg and other countries.
Semiletov Ivan
Born in 1980 in Minsk (Belarus).
In 1993 he graduated from the Belarusian Lyceum of Arts named after Akhremchik (now the Gymnasium-College of Arts named after Akhremchik), in 2004 - the Belarussian State Academy of Arts. Member of the Belarusian Union of Artists. Member of the International Public Association of Artists "Sunny Square". Awards:
1998 – Diploma of the second degree for the design of A. Skorobogatchenko's book "Folk Instrument Culture of the Belarusian Lake".
2000 – Diploma of the third degree for the design of A. Skorobogatchenko's book "Belarusian Folk Musical Instruments".
2004 – Grand Prix at the Republican youth competition "Padarozhzha" for the painting "Performance. Dedicated to the music of A. Schoenberg ". 2004 – Diploma of the second degree at the Republican Book Exhibition for the design of R. Benzeruk's book "Hare Skin". 2007 – Kopyev scholarship at the exhibition in the Central House of Artists, Moscow.
2007 – Grand Prix at the exhibition MOEH "Sunny Square" - a scholarship named after Igor Severyanin, Central House of Artists, Moscow.
2008 – Diploma of the second degree at the International Graphics Competition "Art Line", Minsk.
The works are presented in the National Center for Contemporary Art of the Republic of Belarus, private collections in Portugal, Germany, USA, Austria, Italy, Syria, Russia, and other countries.
Silivonchik Anna
Born in 1980 in Gomel (Belarus).
In 1999 graduated from the Gymnasium-College of Arts of I.O. Akhremchik, in 2007 – the Belarusian State Academy of Arts. Member of the Belarusian Union of Artists. In 2009 she was awarded the medal "Talent and Vocation" of the International alliance "Peacemaker".
The works are presented in the National Museum of Art of the Republic of Belarus, the National Center for Contemporary Art of the Republic of Belarus, the Museum of Russian Art in Jersey City (New Jersey, USA), the funds of Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble (Belarus), the Elabuga State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum (Russia), in private collections in Belarus, Russia, France, USA, Japan, Israel, Italy, Germany, Poland.
Shibnev Alexander
Alexander Shibnev is a representative of the fourth generation of professional artists.
Was born in 1962 in Minsk (Belarus). In 1981 he graduated from the Minsk Art College of A.K. Glebov (now the Minsk State Art College named after A.K. Glebov). Since 1983, more than ten years he has been working in art workshops of the Minsk Art and Industrial Combine, fulfilling orders for visual and agitation design of interiors for public, administrative and educational buildings.
"...In 1993 I started working on wooden panels. I was always interested in the work of old masters who wrote on wooden panels. Wood for me is a special natural material, which stores the warmth of a bygone life. This gives the painting a special meaning and creates a sense of antiquity.
In my compositions and plots there are no main characters, they are calm and static. For me, the main thing is to convey the state of man's spiritual harmony with the world around him. I want my work to give a sense of peace and quiet..."
The works of Alexander Shibnev are presented in private collections in Belarus, Israel, France, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Holland, Germany.
Alexander Yushkevich
Alexander Yushkevich In 2004, he graduated from the A. K. Glebov Minsk State Arts College; and in 2010, from the Belarusian State Academy of Arts (Division of Sculpture).
Most notable exhibitions: 2017: The "Minsk Sculptural: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" Exhibition of Sculpture,M. Savitsky Arts Gallery, Minsk (Belarus); 2009: The "Dakh-9" (Roof) International Festival of Contemporary Non-Traditional Arts, Palace of Arts, Minsk (Belarus).
Anastasia Shilyagina
In 2006, she graduated from the Belarusian National Technical University; since 2013, she is a student of the Belarusian State Academy of Arts, specialty "Easel Painting". Most notable exhibitions and projects: 2018: The charitable exhibition-sale "Soprichastnost" (Ownership), House of Friendship, Minsk (Belarus); 2017: The Christmas Exhibition of Paintings, the Loshitsa Manor, Minsk (Belarus); the exhibition on the outcomes of the 2017 Druya Plein Air, the Red Catholic Church Gallery, Minsk (Belarus); the "Instant" Exhibition of Paintings, Museum of Belarusian Polesye, Pinsk (Belarus).
Roman Sakovich, artist-sculptor
In 2013, he graduated from the State Educational Institution "I. O. Akhremchik Gymnasium-College of Arts"; currently, a student of the Belarusian State Academy of Arts, specialty "Sculpture".
Most notable exhibitions and projects: 2018: The "Forms of Time" Exhibition of Sculpture, Minsk (Belarus); the "Remembrance Library" Exhibition Project, Polotsk (Belarus); 2017: The Eurasian International Festival of Cultures, Pinsk (Belarus); the "Iturup*Style" First International Geo-Design Contest, 3rd place, the Isle of Iturup, Sakhalin Region (Russia); the "Ode to Joy" Exhibition Project (Austria); 2016: The "Arts Week" International Contest, 1st place, Minsk (Belarus).
Maria Larionova
In 2013, she graduated from the A. K. Glebov Minsk State Arts College; since 2014, she is a student of the A. L. Stieglitz Saint Petersburg Academy of Arts and Industry, specialty "Artistic Textile".
Most notable exhibitions: 2017: The "Artistic Textile in Theatre" Exhibition, the Saint Petersburg State Arts and Industry Academy, Saint Petersburg (Russia); 2016: The Exhibition on the Outcomes of the "Generation Next" Contest, held within the 47th "Fashion Industry" International Exhibition of Light and Textile Industries, Saint Petersburg (Russia).