In July-September 2018, on Fridays, in the program "Our Morning" on the ONT TV Channel under the rubric "LIFT", the "BelBrand" Association introduces young innovators and innovative projects, as well as with participants of the "BelBrand" contests, notable for their significant achievements in various spheres. The title of the ru-bric almost fully corresponds to the projects and achievements of heroes thereof: "L" – literary contest, "I" – innovations, "F" – finance, "T" – technologies.
However, the covered spheres will be much broader: visual arts, fashion designs, youth theatres, medicine, IT, music and others. Besides, the programme will also address the "social lift" of talented Belarusian youth, for which, of course, it is important to be heard, to make them known, and receive the evaluation by a competent expert.
The following video materials about the project "Test system for defining the state of immunity" by Ma-ria Styogantsova, and by Yulia Lokotkova in the field of personal finance management using the "PingFin" mobile application have already appeared on air of the ONT TV Channel.
The new releases of the "LIFT" programme can be seen every Friday from 6:00 to 7:00 a.m. and from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. within the programme "Our Morning" on the ONT, as well as on our channel on the YouTube