+375 (17) 203-09-39
+375 (17) 203-28-13
Office 330, 23/1 Pobeditelei Avenue, Minsk, Republic of Belarus 220004

Belarusian State Academy of Arts

With its strong focus on international importance of art, science and culture, the Belarusian State Academy of Arts (BSAA) continuously strives to establish and maintain broad long-term cooperation with higher education institution of arts both in Europe and worldwide.


The Academy is the only higher education institution of arts in the Republic of Belarus whose five faculties feature a unique teaching staff that not only provide students with solid academic knowledge and skills but also help them to develop their talents and to get acquainted with new trends in the fields of art, science and culture. Among them are Professor Vladimir Zinkevich (winner of prestigious competitions), the graphic artist Pavel Tatarnikau (double “Golden Apple” award winner at BIB – Illustration Biennale in Bratislava), the graphic artist Valery Slauk (winner of international awards in the field of graphics), the famous film and theatre directors Vitautas Grigaliunas, Pavel Ivanov and Vladimir Zabello, the versatile designer Lev Tolbuzin, etc.

Undergraduate, master’s degree and postgraduate students and the teaching staff of the Academy take part in scientific and creative competitions, develop and realize their ideas and concepts as well as create new projects. Mikhail Barazna, Rector of BSAA, assisted by Ekaterina Kenigsberg, Head of the International Relations Department, was the curator and head of the Pavilion of the Republic of Belarus at the 54th International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia (Project «Kodex», 2011). The artists Yury Alisevich, Dzianis Skvartsou, Viktar Piatrou, and Kanstantsin Kastsiuchenka who participated in the Project are all BSAA graduates. Mikhail Shikau, Professor of the Department of Interior and Equipment Design, was the architect of the pavilion.

Numerous graduates of the Academy are now outstanding artists who have got recognition both in Belarus and abroad. Yury Yakavenka and Anzhela Malysheva were awarded Grand Prix of the International Engraving Biennale “Jozep de Ribera” in Xàtiva, Spain. In different years our students Alesya Skorobogataya, Denis Chubukov, Olga Melnik, Boris Borozna, Sergey Torbik, and Ruslan Fedotov were among the participants and prize-winners in different international competitions.

Our students and lecturers benefit from the geographical position of Belarus to experience and appreciate the most significant and interesting art exhibitions, theatre performances and film premières.

As the development of a modern creative personality is now unthinkable without the knowledge of cultural diversity, the Academy is extremely interested in organizing international internships and exchange programmes for our young talented lecturers and professors, postgraduate, master’s degree and undergraduate students at foreign universities as well as invites leading foreign professors to give lectures and masterclasses. Exhibitions of modern art of various countries are regularly held at the Art Gallery of BSAA, too.

Studying at BSAA does not imply only the diploma of the European standard. It is a privileged opportunity to be students of outstanding professors and talented lecturers, which helps to develop unique creative personalities and is a good start into a career!
