+375 (17) 203-09-39
+375 (17) 203-28-13
Office 330, 23/1 Pobeditelei Avenue, Minsk, Republic of Belarus 220004

The Association of European Business

About us The Association of European Business (AEB) is a Belarusian independent non-governmental association uniting leading European companies, which plan to do or do business in Belarus.


Our mission:

The AEB seeks to boost the competitiveness of Belarusian business climate by promoting mutually beneficial cooperation between European and domestic businesses.

Our goals:

• helping European companies adapt to the Belarusian market and promoting their joint interests;

• creating a common platform for mutually beneficial partnerships of European and national companies;

• improving business climate in Belarus by building a dialogue between European, national companies and state authorities;

• providing analytical and expert support to European companies in Belarus;

• promoting Belarusian national traditions and culture in the business community;

• implementing initiatives of corporate social responsibility in the Belarusian business community.
