+375 (17) 203-09-39
+375 (17) 203-28-13
Office 330, 23/1 Pobeditelei Avenue, Minsk, Republic of Belarus 220004

The "BelBrand" Association and the BRSM have agreed to conduct joint sociological studies and other interaction directions in the sphere of intellectual property protection

The "BelBrand" Association and the Belarusian Republic's Youth Union (known as the BRSM) have signed a Cooperation Agreement. The aims of the interaction of the public organizations are as follows: to contribute to the development of youth initiatives; to promote innovative ideas and projects in the spheres of sciences, technologies, culture and education; to rear in young people the responsible attitude to intellectual property, and rejection of unscrupulous competition, counterfeiting and piracy.

The main areas of cooperation are as follows:

– Organization and holding the activities related to the Republic's Contest "100 Ideas for Belarus" and the Republic's Youth Forum, dedicated to the International Internet Day;

– Carrying out the "Youth Brand" Sociological Study;

– Organization of educational, scientific and other events (conferences, practical seminars, contests, forums, master classes) in the sphere of intellectual property protection;

– Promotion of youth scientific-technical, educational and creative projects.

One of the tools for implementing the Agreement is the BelBrand Presents contest Internet platform for the publication of youth projects, developments and works in the sphere of sciences, arts, literature and education, which is launched by the "BelBrand" Association for Intellectual Property Protection with the active support of the Belarusian Republic's Youth Union (BRSM).
